1. (noun) remains, scraps, leftovers, part of the afterbirth, offal.
Haere tonu ai mā raro i ētehi wā mō ngā māero e hia kē nei te roa, ki te āta titiro i te puna wai inu o aua kāinga, ki te wāhi pangaina ai ngā parapara tae atu ki ngā whakaritenga parukore, ā, ki te āwhina i te hunga e māuiuitia ana (TTR 1996:140). / He sometimes travelled many miles on foot to inspect the water supply of those villages, the places where rubbish was disposed and sanitary arrangements and to help the sick.
Synonyms: parakai, waipara, whaipara, karaweta, toenga, parahanga, pakapaka, paka