1. (stative) be achieved, gained, realised, able.
Ko te wairuatoa tērā engari ko te waimarie i mau i a rātou ō rātou tīpuna e kōrero ana, e waiata ana ki te rīpene me te ataata, ā, mā te āta tātari pea i ērā ka paku pahawa tētahi punua ora nei (HM 3/1998). / That's unlucky but the fortunate thing is that they captured their ancestors talking on tape and video and by carefully sifting through those perhaps some benefit will be gained.
Mēnā kāore e pahawa i a koe, whakawātea! (Kāretu 2015). / If you can't do it, free it up so others can.
Synonyms: tutuki, riwha, porotutuki