1. (numeral) ten, tenth (following te) - used in a similar way to tekau but less frequently. Combines with other words to form the numbers from 11 to 19.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 12;)
Ā pēnei tonu tae rawa ki te ngahuru o ngā rāngi (NM 1928:177). / And it continued like this until he reached the tenth heaven.
I te wā ka tae ki te ngahuru mā whā o ngā rā ka tae katoa mai ngā tohunga nei ki te mahi i te waka nei (JPS 1957:223). / When it came to the fourteenth day all the experts came to work on the canoe.
Hei te tīmatanga o ngā ua o te marama ngahuru ka tipu haere ēnei kai ki runga i te ākau (Te Ara 2016). / It grows on the reef at the beginning of the rains of the tenth month.
See also ngahuru mā tahi, ngahuru mā rua, ngahuru mā toru, ngahuru mā whā, ngahuru mā rima, ngahuru mā ono, ngahuru mā whitu, ngahuru mā waru, ngahuru mā iwa, tekau, tuangahuru
2. (noun) tenth month of the Māori year, autumn, harvest time - approximately equivalent to March.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 12;)
Haria mai ana e ia he paruparu nō te awa, ngā rau e horohoro nei i te tino ngahuru, he whenua tawhito anō hoki, mahia katoatia ana e ia hei whakamōmona i tana pāmu (TH 1/12/1859:3). / He carries soil from the river, leaves that fall in the autumn as it is old ground and he does it all to make his farm fertile.