1. (verb) to dream, have a vision.
Koinei te whakatinanatanga o tāna i tūruapō ai, arā, he whakatipu mai i te kōhungahunga Māori i roto i te mātotoru o te reo me āna tikanga, mai i tōna whānautanga ka eke atu nei ki te rima tau te pakeke (TTR 2000:172). / This was the realisation of his vision, that is of the nurture of Māori babies in their language and culture from birth to the age of five.
2. (verb) to be the middle of the night, midnight.
Me whakapoto ake ngā kakau o ngā kaikōrero. Ki te kore, tūruapō rawa, kei konei tonu tātou (HJ 2015:176). / The speakers should be brief. If they aren't, we'll still be here at midnight.
3. (noun) dream, vision.
Ki ētehi anō he tūruapō nō te rangi, arā, he whetūrere, raukura te āhua, e topatopa ana i te rangi, mārama tonu te autō ki muri (TTR 1994:173). / Others believe that it was a vision from the heavens – that is, a comet in the shape of a feather soaring in the sky, with a bright tail behind.
4. (noun) middle of the night, midnight.