2. (modifier) stingy, covetous, miserly, self-seeking.
Ka huna te tamaiti tūmatarau, ka kai i ana rare, kātahi anō ka puta ki te tākaro ki ana hoa (PK 2008:1001). / The covetous child hid and ate her sweets, then emerged to play with her friends.
3. (noun) miserliness, meanness, stinginess, covetousness, tightfistedness, parsimony.
Kāore e ware ōna kanohi, ka titiro tonu atu ki ngā mahinga a ētahi tāngata, koinā te tūmatarau, tōna tino tikanga he matapiko (W 1971:453). / Her eyes are never off their guard, and she continually looks at what other people are doing, that's what parsimony is, its real meaning is miserliness.