1. (verb) (-tia) to invigorate, energise, revitalise, liven up, galvanise, stimulate, ginger up, activate.
Kāre i ngākau rua a Ngata ki te whakanoho i ngā rōpū o iwi kē ki runga whenua o iwi kē; hai whakahohe i te iwi kāinga te tikanga o aua rōpū (TTR 1996:108). / Ngata did not hesitate to settle groups of different tribes onto the land of others, using those groups to energise the local people.
Synonyms: whakahaumanu, tāmata
2. (modifier) invigorating, energising, revitalising, galvanising, stimulating.
Kei runga ake, ko ngā Tuku Pai (arā, ngā tiuka o te rangimārie) me ngā Tuku Akihana (ngā tiuka whakahohe); ko ā rātou mahi he hohou i te rongo me te whakautu i ngā wero a te Pākehā (TTR 1990:313). / At a supra-tribal level were the Tuku Pai (i.e. the Duke of Peace) and Tuku Akihana (the Duke of Action), whose tasks were to promote peace and respond to the challenges of Pākehā.