marama hua
1. (noun) full moon.
Tēnā ka tawhiti ia i te rā, ka nui mai ia, tā te mea e hāngai nui mai ana tōna taha mārama ki a tātou, arā, tōna taha anga atu ki te rā. Nā, ka kīia he marama hua, ka hua te marama. Arā, mehemea kei te rātō te rā, kei te rāwhiti te marama hua rānei, ko te rā kei raro i te rua, ko te marama kei runga, he hua hoki tērā (MM.TKM 28/2/1857:15). / But when it is distant from the sun, it appears large, because its bright side is then turned fully towards us, that is, the side facing the sun. So we say it is a full moon, the moon is full. Thus, if the sun is in the west, the full moon will be in the east, and if the sun is far below the horizon and the moon high above, it will be full.
See also hua
2. (noun) waxing moon - the moon between new and full.
Mēnā e rahi haere ana te mata o te marama e kitea atu ana, ka kīia ko te marama hua tērā (RP 2009:277). / If the face of the moon that can be seen is growing bigger, that is said to be the waxing moon.