1. (verb) (-ia,-ngia) to drive, urge, compel.
Kei te āta āngia haeretia e te Pākehā, āpōpō ake nei piri mai ana i ngā pari, i runga rānei i ngā keokeonga o ngā maunga (TTT 1/3/1930:1992). / We are slowly being driven out by the Pākehā and soon will be clinging to the cliffs or on the peaks of the mountains.
See also ānga
2. (noun) driving, urging, mustering, rounding up.
He wahine toritori ia, ā, i rite tonu ki a ia ngā mahi katoa, arā, te ā kau, te kari wāra, te whakatika taiepa, te whatu me te tuimāwhai hoki (TTR 2000:30). / She was always busy, and could do all types of work such as driving cows, digging ditches and mending fences as well as knitting and crocheting.