1. (noun) act of speaking, saying, formulaic saying, expression.
Ko te kīanga a Tukumana ki a Barlow kua meatia e ngā uri o Haunui Tukumana hei whakataukī mā rātou ko tēnei: ko ahau tēnā hei hoa mō te whenua i ngā rā katoa. / A phrase used by Tukumana to Barlow has been made into a proverb by the descendants of Haunui Tukumana: 'I shall be with the land always.'
Synonyms: pepeha, kupu, whakapepeha, kīnga, tūātau, kī, rerenga kōrero
2. (noun) phrase - a small group of words that forms a unit, either on its own or within a sentence.
Ko te 'koia rā', te 'tā i te kawa' me 'te tangata e whakapaetia ana', he tauira o te kīanga i te reo Māori (PK 2008:259). / 'Koia rā' (that was), 'tā i te kawa' (perform the kawa ceremony) and 'te tangata e whakapaetia ana' (the accused) are example of phrases in Māori.
3. (noun) expression (maths).
Ko te kīanga he kohinga tau, taurangi rānei, e honoa ana ki te tohu paheko, pērā i te tāpiri, te tango, te whakarea, me te wehe (TRP 2010:150). / An expression is a collection of numbers or variables which are linked together with signs for operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division