2. (verb) (-nga,-ngia) to drink - used for any liquid other than water.
Ka rīria a Hōne e Apirana he kaha nōna ki te kai waipiro (TTR 1998:184). / John was reprimanded by Apirana because he drank alcohol to excess.
3. (noun) food, meal.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 33-34; Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 35-49;)
He nui te kai: te parāoa, te huka, te tī, te pīkara, te tōhi, te pīwhi, te poaka, me te tini o ngā kai (KO 15/12/1886:8). / There was plenty of food: bread, sugar, tea, pickles, toast, beef, pork, and much more.
See also hari kai