2. (noun) sheep.
Ko te huruhuru pirikahu hei whatu i te mea mahana mā koutou, ko te muka, hei whatu i te kareko - ka oti te whatu mā ngā wāhine e tuitui (TK 1/6/1844:26). / Sheep's wool will be woven into something warm for you and flax fibre will be woven into calico - when they're woven the women will sew them.
Synonyms: hipi
3. (noun) biddy-bid, Acaena anserinifolia - a creeping plant with prickly brown burrs.
Ko tōna rongoā mō te hahaetanga he whakapiripiri he mea mahi mai i te pūtake harakeke, he wai rongoā rānei nō te pirikahu mai (TTR 1998:170). / Her ointment for lacerations was a flax root poultice or a potion made from the Biddybid plant.
See also hutiwai
Synonyms: piriwhetau, kaikaiārure, piripiri, kaiārurerure, hutiwai, kaiā