3. (noun) lunar halo, solar halo, 22° halo.
Ko ngā ingoa o taua kura koia tēnei - he āniwaniwa, he koroirangi kei te rā, kei te marama, kei te whakaumu te marama, te rā rānei, koia nei ngā whakahua. Engari ko te tino ingoa ia he kurahaupō tō te marama, he kura-hau-awatea tō te rā (JPS 1927:357). / The names of that glow are these - āniwaniwa and koroirangi pertain to the sun or moon, when the moon or sun are encircled, those are the terms. But the genuine names are kurahaupō, that is of the moon, and kura-hau-awatea is that of the sun.
Synonyms: kurahaupō