1. (verb) to be joined, confined.
Kua tata kapiti hono, tātai hono te koiora hau o Ngata ki te ao wairua, engari, nō te tinana kē te tārututanga, ehara i te hinengaro (TTR 1996:111). / Ngata's illustrious life was now drawing to a close, although his frailty was of the body and not the mind (DNZB 1996:363).
2. (verb) to be brought together, clenched, closed.
Ka kapiti ngā niho o te tangata rā (W 1971:96). / That man's teeth are clenched.
3. (noun) cleft, crevice, gorge, narrow pass.
E pā ana tētahi o ngā tino kōrero mō te kaha rawa o te tinana o Pahikore i tana whakawhititanga atu i te Hermitage ki te pito tonga o Poutini mā te kapiti o Copland (TTR 1996:217). / One of the best stories concerning Pahikore's outstanding physical stamina was his crossing from the Hermitage to south Westland via the Copland Pass.
4. (noun) slot.
Ā, ko te kāri kirihou ināianei. Me kuhu atu ki te kapiti nei, ka āta tō haere ai, mai i tētahi pito ki tētahi (HJ 2012:255). / And now it's the plastic card. It must be inserted in the slot and slowly dragged along from one end to the other.
5. (noun) radius, fibula, calf bone.
Ko te kapiti te kōiwi roa, tupuhi hoki o te tāhau. / The fibula is the long narrow bone of the lower leg.