



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (personal name) atua of the sky and husband of Papa-tū-ā-nuku, from which union originate all living things.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 39-42;)

I te mea ka rewa a Rangi-nui ki runga, ko Tāne-te-waiora ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei (HWM 12). / Because Rangi-nui was elevated above, Tāne-te-waiora was renamed Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e tū-iho-nei.

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See also atua


1. (personal name) according to some versions of the creative narratives, he separated his parents Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku. Also known as Rangi-hāpainga.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 40-42;)

I te mea ka rewa a Rangi-nui ki runga, ko Tāne-te-waiora ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Tūkāriri ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Tū-mata-uenga-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Rangi-hāpainga ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Paia-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Rongo-hīrea ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi (HWM 12). / Because Rangi-nui was elevated above, Tāne-te-waiora was renamed Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e tū-iho-nei; Tūkāriri was renamed Tū-mata-uenga-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; Rangi-hāpainga was renamed Paia-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; and Rongo-hīrea was renamed Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi.

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See also Rangi-hāpainga


1. (personal name) also known as Tāne-te-waiora and Tāne-matua, he helped separate Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku so the sun would shine on their children. He also ascended to Te Toi-o-ngā-rangi to bring back the three kits of knowledge.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 40-42; Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 123;)

I te mea ka rewa a Rangi-nui ki runga, ko Tāne-te-waiora ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Tūkāriri ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Tū-mata-uenga-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Rangi-hāpainga ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Paia-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Rongo-hīrea ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi (HWM 12). / Because Rangi-nui was elevated above, Tāne-te-waiora was renamed Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e tū-iho-nei; Tūkāriri was renamed Tū-mata-uenga-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; Rangi-hāpainga was renamed Paia-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; and Rongo-hīrea was renamed Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi.

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See also Tāne-te-waiora


1. (personal name) ancestor of both Ngāti Awa of the Bay of Plenty and Te Āti Awa of Taranaki.


1. (personal noun) aurora australis, southern lights - a luminous electrical atmospheric phenomenon usually of streamers of light in the sky above the southern magnetic pole.

Whakamīharo ana te kite i a Tahu-nui-a-rangi. Me te ārai kākāriki e pīwari ana i te rangi pō (PK 2008:811). / Seeing the aurora australis is amazing. It's like a green veil waving in the night sky.

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1. (personal name) according to some versions of the creative narratives, Rangi-hāpainga separated Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku. Also known as Paia-nui-a-Rangi.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 40-42;)

I te mea ka rewa a Rangi-nui ki runga, ko Tāne-te-waiora ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Tūkāriri ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Tū-mata-uenga-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Rangi-hāpainga ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Paia-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Rongo-hīrea ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi (HWM 12). / Because Rangi-nui was elevated above, Tāne-te-waiora was renamed Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e tū-iho-nei; Tūkāriri was renamed Tū-mata-uenga-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; Rangi-hāpainga was renamed Paia-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; and Rongo-hīrea was renamed Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi.

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1. (personal name) also known as Tāne-nui-a-Rangi and Tāne-matua, he helped separate Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku so the sun would shine on their children. He also ascended to Te Toi-o-ngā-rangi to bring back the three kits of knowledge.

I te mea ka rewa a Rangi-nui ki runga, ko Tāne-te-waiora ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei (HWM 12). / Because Rangi-nui was elevated above, Tāne-te-waiora was renamed Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e tū-iho-nei.

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1. (location) a place mentioned in the creation narratives where Hine-tītama fled to after learning that her husband, Tāne-nui-a-rangi, was also her father. There Aituā lived in his house, Whiti-nuku. Aituā then took Hine-tītama to the entrance to Te Reinga and to Whiti-reinga where Ioio-whenua, the eldest child of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku, lived. There Hine-tītama became Hine-nui-te-pō and she remains in te pō to receive the spirits of the dead.

2. (personal noun) sixth lunar month of the Māori lunar calendar - approximately equivalent to November and traditionally usd by Ngāti Awa.

Ko te putanga mai o Matariki te tohu mō te marama tuatahi, ko ngā ingoa hoki ēnei o ngā marama katoa: Te Tahi o Pipiri, Te Rua o Takurua,Te Toru Here o Pipiri, Te Whā o Mahuru, Te Rima o Kōpū, Te Ono o Whitiānaunau, Te Whitu o Hakihea, Te Waru o Rehua, Te Iwa o Rūhi-te-rangi, Te Ngahuru o Poutū-te-rangi, Te Ngahuru mā tahi, Te Ngahuru mā rua (TP 1/3/1901:6). / The appearance of Pleiades is the sign for the first month and these are the names of all the months: The first is Pipiri, the second is Takurua, the third is Here o Pipiri, the fourth is Mahuru, the fifth is Kōpū, the sixth is Whiti-ānaunau, the seventh is Hakihea, the eighth is Rehua, the ninth is Rūhi-te-rangi, the tenth is Poutūterangi, the eleventh and twelth months.

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Synonyms: Maramamātahi, Noema, Whiringa-ā-rangi


1. (noun) used in expressions referring to a comet or meteor regarded as the visible representation of an atua, e.g. tūnui a te ika, tūnui ki te pō, tūnui me te pō and tūnui a rangi.

Ko ngā kōrero o mua he whakakitenga nā ngā atua te auahiroa, te unahiroa a Tūnui-i-te-rangi rānei (TTR 1990:99). / Comets and meteors had been interpreted in earlier times as manifestations of atua.
Moe tonu iho kua kite i te tohu o te mate, i a Tūnui‑o-te-ika e haere mai ana ki te kokoti i a ia (TTR 1994:148). / When he fell asleep he saw the harbinger of death, Tūnui-o-te-ika, coming to ambush him.

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1. (personal name) atua of the winds, clouds, rain, hail, snow and storms, he was also known as Tāwhiri-rangi and Tāwhiri-mate-a-Rangi and was one of the offspring of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku who did not want his parents separated.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 40-42;)

Ko te māoritanga o ngā ingoa o ēnei tamariki a Rangi rāua ko Papa: Ko Tangaroa, he ika; ko Rongo-mā-tāne, ko te kūmara; ko Haumia-tiketike, ko te aruhe; ko Tāne-mahuta, ko te rākau, ko te manu; ko Tāwhiri-mātea, ko te hau; ko Tū-mata-uenga, ko te tangata (KO 16/9/1886:6). / The explanation of the names of these children of Rangi and Papa is: Tangaroa is fish; Rongo-mā-tāne is kūmara; Haumia-tiketike is fernroot; Tāne-mahuta is trees and birds; Tāwhiri-mātea is wind; Tū-mata-uenga is humans.

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See also atua, Tāwhiri-rangi


1. (personal name) Hine-tītama was the eldest daughter of the atua Tāne-nui-a-Rangi and Hine-ahu-one. She had several children to her father, but on learning that her husband was her father she fled to te pō (the underworld) where she receives the souls of the dead and is known as Hine-nui-te-pō.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 48-51, 96;)

Kātahi ka kī atu a Māui ki ōna taokete, 'Kaua koutou e kata ki a au ina tomo au ki roto ki a Hine-nui-te-pō.' (TPH 30/11/1911:9) / Then Māui said to his brothers-in-law, 'You must not laugh at me when I go into Hine-nui-te-pō.'

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See also Hine-tītama, atua


1. (personal name) one of the offspring of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku who was the first to see the sun shining under Rangi's armpit (according to some versions of the narrative).

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 40-42;)

Nō te kitenga o Tāne-tūturi i taua māramatanga ka kōrero atu ia ki ōna tuākana, "Kua kitea e au tētahi māramatanga e kohara mai ana i roto i te kēkē o tō tātau pāpā. Kei te hunaia e ō tātau mātua te māramatanga i a tātau, kei whiti mai ki a tātau." (HWM 4). / When Tāne-tūturi saw the light he said to his elder brothers, "I have seen some light shining in the armpit of our father. The light is being hidden from us by our parents so that it can't shine on us."

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1. (personal name) Hine-tītama was the eldest daughter of the atua Tāne-nui-a-Rangi and Hine-ahu-one. She had several children to her father, but on learning that her husband was her father she fled to te pō (the underworld) where she receives the souls of the dead and is known as Hine-nui-te-pō.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 48-51, 96;)

See also atua


1. (personal name) atua of the kūmara and cultivated food and one of the offspring of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku, he is also known as Rongo-hīrea and Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi.

(Te Māhuri Teachers' Manual (Ed. 1): 40-42;)

I te mea ka rewa a Rangi-nui ki runga, ko Tāne-te-waiora ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Tūkāriri ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Tū-mata-uenga-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Rangi-hāpainga ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Paia-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Rongo-hīrea ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi (HWM 12). / Because Rangi-nui was elevated above, Tāne-te-waiora was renamed Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e tū-iho-nei; Tūkāriri was renamed Tū-mata-uenga-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; Rangi-hāpainga was renamed Paia-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; and Rongo-hīrea was renamed Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi.

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1. (personal name) atua of the kūmara and cultivated food and one of the offspring of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku, he is also known as Rongo-hīrea and Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 40-42;)

Ko te māoritanga o ngā ingoa o ēnei tamariki a Rangi rāua ko Papa: Ko Tangaroa, he ika; ko Rongo-mā-tāne, ko te kūmara; ko Haumia-tiketike, ko te aruhe; ko Tāne-mahuta, ko te rākau, ko te manu; ko Tāwhiri-mātea, ko te hau; ko Tū-mata-uenga, ko te tangata (KO 16/9/1886:6). / The explanation of the names of these children of Rangi and Papa is: Tangaroa is fish; Rongo-mā-tāne is kūmara; Haumia-tiketike is fernroot; Tāne-mahuta is trees and birds; Tāwhiri-mātea is wind; Tū-mata-uenga is humans.

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See also atua, Rongo-marae-roa


1. (personal name) atua of the kūmara and cultivated food and one of the offspring of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku, he is also known as Rongo-mā-Tāne and Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 40-42;)

I te mea ka rewa a Rangi-nui ki runga, ko Tāne-te-waiora ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Tūkāriri ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Tū-mata-uenga-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Rangi-hāpainga ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Paia-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; ko Rongo-hīrea ka huaina tōna ingoa ko Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi (HWM 12). / Because Rangi-nui was elevated above, Tāne-te-waiora was renamed Tāne-nui-a-Rangi-e tū-iho-nei; Tūkāriri was renamed Tū-mata-uenga-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; Rangi-hāpainga was renamed Paia-nui-a-Rangi-e-tū-iho-nei; and Rongo-hīrea was renamed Rongo-marae-roa-a-Rangi.

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1. (personal name) according to some narratives, he was the eldest son of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku. He was banished to Whiti-reinga by his father because he continually attacked his brothers. Some say that he was a star that took Hiwa-i-te-rangi (Calaeno) as his wife. Represents peace and all peaceful conditions and pursuits.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 40-42;)

Ko Ioio-whenua te tama mātāmua a Rangi-nui rāua ko Papa-tū-ā-nuku (HWM n.d.). / Ioio-whenua was the first born son of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku.

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1. (personal name) atua of earthquakes and the youngest child of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku. Also known as Rūaumoko.


1. (personal name) Earth, Earth mother and wife of Rangi-nui - all living things originate from them.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 39-42;)

Ka miria e te hauku a Papatūānuku (TTT 1/3/1930:2006). / Papatūānuku is caressed by the dew.

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See also atua


1. (personal name) atua of disaster and death, fate - according to some narratives, he was the second son of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku who joined Ioio-whenua when his father banished him to Whiti-ānaunau.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 40-42;)

Ki ngā iwi, ki ngā hapū, me ngā mana e pupuri mai nei i te mana Māori, i ngā marae o Aotearoa me Te Waipounamu, tēnā rā koutou, ngā mōrehu a Aituā, tūāhuatanga o ēnā o ō tātou rangatira ka riro rā ki Paerau, ki te huinga o te kahurangi, ki te takotoranga tē taea te whakakorikori (TP 8/1912:7). / To the tribes, subtribes and the people of standing retaining Māori status on the marae of the North and South Islands, greetings to you all, who are the survivors of misfortune and stand in place of our leaders who have departed to the meeting place of the dead, to the gathering of the illustrious, to the resting place from which you are not able to move.

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See also atua

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