2. (noun) platform, floor, deck.
Ina ka noho ki rō whare, ko tāna mahi i tino rawe ai he takoto noa mai i te raho o te whare ki mua i te ahi, kānewha ai (TTR 1998:170). / When she was indoors the thing she really liked to do was to lie on the floor of the house in front of the fire and doze.
Synonyms: kaupapa, kāraho, whatārangi, kahupapa, ahurewa, atamira, rahoraho, tūāpapa
1. (noun) testicle, testis, testes.
Kia huruhuru rā anō ngā raho, kātahi anō ka whakaaetia kia uru ki ngā mahi para whakawai (PK 2008:736). / Only when the testicles eventually have hair, are they allowed to enter into the martial arts.
See also [ō] raho!
2. (noun) labia majora.
Ka oti te tinana, ka kumea ngā ringaringa, ka kumea ngā waewae, ka pokaia te tara, ka kumea ngā raho, ka whakanohoia ngā puapua, ngā werewere, ngā hanahana, te katitohe, ka kumea te tonetone, ka pokaia te kumu, ka whakanohoia te piro me te puku, te mahara, te ate, ngā tākihi, te tōngāmimi, ka hangā te ārai, ka oti katoa ngā mea o te tinana (HWM 27). / When the body was completed, the arms and legs were drawn out, the vagina was pierced, the labia majora was drawn out, and the ovaries, the labia minora, the vulva, and the hymen were implanted, the clitoris was drawn out, the anus was pierced and the odour, the stomach, the spleen, the liver, the kidneys and the bladder were implanted, and the diaphragm was made and the body was completed.
raho kau
1. adulterer - an idiomatic term used in Tainui.
Wahine 1: Ei, kua rongo koe mō Hōri? Kua wehe tana wahine i tana whāwhā haere. Wahine 2: Ehara koia te wahi tuatahi ki taku rongo. Wahine 1: Raho kau! Kaitoa kua whakarērea ia (HKKT 2011:29). / Woman 1: Hey, have you heard about George? His wife has left him because of his sleeping around. Wahine 2: That's not the first woman I've heard about. Woman 1: Adulterer! Serves him right that she's left him.
2. (modifier) castrated.
E ai ki te kōrero, he rarata ake te hōiho raho poka, tēnā i te tāriana (HJ 2017:87). / It is said that a gelding is more docile than a stallion.
[ō] raho!
1. go away! get lost! be gone! - a curse that is used to show disdain for the actions or statements of others implying that they would be advised not to comment. Only said to, or about, a man.
Rangi: Kei te mea mai a Wara rāua ko tana tama e hē ana tā tātou mahi. Pare: Ō rāua raho (HKK 1999:94). / Rangi: Wara and his son are saying that we're doing our job incorrectly. Pare: They can get lost.
1. (noun) castrated animal, gelding.
He whero pūmangu, he tiwha nui kai te rae, he mā kai te matamata o te ihu, e toru waewae mā, he raho-poka, he hōiho āhua nui, he parani rānei kai te papa katau, he mate rānei, kīhai i mārama (TW 14/12/1878:631). / It has a blackish rump, a large patch on the forehead, the tip of the nose is white, it has three white legs and is a gelding. It's quite a large horse and has a brand on the right flank but the problem is that it isn't clear.