1. (verb) (-a,-hia) to move gradually, move about, manoeuvre.
Tērā te marama ka nekeneke ake i te pae (TWMNT 24/12/1872:160). / There the moon gradually moves above the horizon.
Synonyms: rauhanga, tahawhenua, taka, whakatakataka, whēkoi, nukunuku
2. (noun) movements.
Nā te noho āwangawanga ki ngā nekeneke a te Hauhau, ka whakatauria taihoa e hūtia te kara (TTR 1990:38). / Because they were apprehensive of the movements of the Hauhau, they decided not to erect the flag immediately.
pae nekeneke
1. (noun) orators for a tribe that move from marae to marae - a common occurance in the modern context with a shortage of orators for each marae.
Ko te āhuatanga e kīia ana he ‘pae nekeneke’, ko te hāereere a ētahi kaikōrero ki ngā marae kē o te iwi. / The practice called a 'mobile orators' bench' is where some speakers travel about to other marae of the tribe.
Synonyms: paepae nekeneke
paepae nekeneke
1. (noun) orators for a tribe that move from marae to marae - a common occurance in the modern context with a shortage of orators for each marae.
See also pae nekeneke
Synonyms: pae nekeneke