



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to milk.

I te awatea kua kai anō ō kau i te karaihe, i te ahiahi kua mirakatia (TP 1909 1/130:3) / In the daytime your cows again eat the grass and in the evening they're milked.

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Synonyms: kutētē, waiū, whakatētē, kōtētē, kūtē

2. (loan) (modifier) milking.

Ko ngā kau miraka, mehemea he tangata hokohoko miraka, ka tirohia anō āna kau (TJ 21/6/1898:2). / With milking cows, if there’s a person selling milk then his cows are inspected.

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Synonyms: kutētētanga, kutētē, whakatētē, whakatētētanga, mirakatanga, kurutētē

3. (loan) (noun) milk.

Ko ngā kau miraka, mehemea he tangata hokohoko miraka, ka tirohia anō āna kau (TJ 21/6/1898:2). / With milking cows, if there’s a person selling milk then his cows are inspected.

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whare miraka

1. (loan) (noun) milking shed, cowshed.

Whakawhiwhia ana a Maata ki tētahi pūtea tārewa nei a te Tari Māori i te tau 1941, arā, hei hanga whare miraka hou, hei hoko mīhini mai hoki mō roto (TTR 2000:29). / In 1941 Martha received a loan from the Native Department to build a new milking shed and to buy the machines for it.

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hua miraka

1. (noun) dairy.

Kāore e kaha taku kai hua miraka. / I am not a big eater of dairy.

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miraka paura

1. (loan) (noun) milk powder.

miraka tepe

1. (loan) (noun) yoghurt.

miraka kore kirīmi

1. (loan) (noun) trim milk.

He pai ake te miraka kore kirīmi i te miraka kirīmi mō te tinana. / Trim milk is better for the body than full cream milk.

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miraka ngako iti

1. (loan) (noun) low-fat milk.

mīhini miraka kau

1. (loan) (noun) milking machine.

Nō te tau 1917 i tīmata tana mahi, e hia tau kē nei te roa, i te tari o ngā huānga o tōna pāpā, o Mason rāua ko Struthers mā i te wāhanga whakaterāwhiti o te tiriti o Custom i Ākarana, he kamupene mātanga, he hanga mīhini miraka kau nei te mahi (TTR 2000:259). / In 1917 she began her long working career in the offices of her father’s relatives, Mason, Struthers and Company, in Custom Street East, Auckland, specialists in making machines.

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See also mīhini kutētē kau

Synonyms: mīhini kutētē kau

kamupene ā-ohu miraka

1. (loan) (noun) cooperative dairy company.

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