1. (noun) New Zealand pigeon, kererū, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae - a large green, copper and white native bush pigeon which was eaten by Māori. Kererū were one of two foods harvested during the Māori new year.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 11; Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 1;)
2. (noun) New Zealand pigeon feather.
Ka pūhekitia ki te kererū (W 1971:319). / It was ornamented with New Zealand pigeon feathers.
tūtae kererū
1. (noun) New Zealand jasmine, native jasmine, Parsonsia heterophylla - native climbing vine which often twines around itself. Has longish leaves and white, sweet-scented, tubular flowers.
See also akakiore
Synonyms: tautaua, kaihua, akakaikiore, akakiore, tawhiwhi, poapoa tautaua
poho kererū
1. (verb) to be proud, full of pride, puffed up with pride - a figurative expression.
Ka tū ana te tamaiti ki te haka, ka poho kererū ana mātua. / When the child stood up to perform the haka, his parents were full of pride.
Synonyms: karatete, whakahī, whakahīhī, kia ara te ua