1. (noun) New Zealand pigeon, kererū, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae - a large green, copper and white native bush pigeon which was eaten by Māori.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 11; Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 1;)
Ka kitea i konei te kai nei: te parāoa, te tī, te huka, te poaka, te heihei, te take, me te manu ngāherehere - te kūkū, te kākā, te kōkō (TWMNT 19/6/1872:85). / Here these foods were seen: bread, tea, sugar, pork, chicken, turkey, and the birds of the forest - pigeon, kākā, tūī.
Synonyms: karoro tangi harau, parea, kererū, rupe