1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to recite old legends or genealogies.
Nōna tētahi hinengaro mau pū ki te kōrero, ina hoki, e toru rā kē ia e kauwhata ana i ngā whakapapa o Ngāti Koura me ōna kaupekapeka katoa (TTR 1994:115). / He possessed a prodigious memory, inasmuch as he recited Ngāti Koura genealogies with all its many branches for three days.
2. (noun) séance, human medium of an atua (or spirit).
Kauwhata: He waka nō te atua, he tangata (M 2006:378). / Kauwhata: A human as a medium of an atua.
Nā ka puta ake anō a Te Nākahi i ngā kauwhata a tōna kauwaka hou i a Hōne Tōia (Te Ara 2015). / Now Te Nākahi appeared in séances held by a new medium, Hōne Tōia.
3. (noun) stage, frame.
Ko tētahi kauwhata i hangaia ki mua mai o ngā tahua kai i toe mai nō era atu rangi, ko te roa o taua kauwhata e rima rau putu, ko tētahi i muri atu he mea poto iho. Ko ngā tini kākahu e tukua ana ki ngā manuhiri i whakairia ki runga ki aua kauwhata (TWMNT 4/4/1876:84). / A frame was built in front of the piles of food that remained from the previous days, the length of that frame being five hundred feet, with another shorter one behind it. Many cloaks being given to the visitors were hanging on those frames.
4. (noun) graph.
Ko tā te kauwhata e tohu mai ana, kia piki ake te paemahana, ka kaha ake te tipu o ngā pīni (PK 2008:243). / What the graph shows is that when the temperature climbs the beans' growth is stronger.
kauwhata porowhita
1. (noun) pie graph, circle graph.
He momo hoahoa motuhake te kauwhata porowhita e whakamahi ana i te porowhita hei whakaatu i te rahi o ētahi rōpū raraunga. Ka wehea te porowhita ki ētahi pewanga hei whakaatu i te hautanga, te ōrau ranei o ia rōpū raraunga. Ko te rahi o te pewanga he rite ki te hautanga o te rōpū raraunga e hāngai ana. He pai tēnei kauwhata hei whakatairite i tētahi rōpū raraunga ki te katoa o ngā raraunga (TRP 2010:140). / A pie graph is a special type of diagram which uses a circle to show data. The circle is divided into sectors to show the proportion or percentage of each category of the data. This type of graph is useful for comparing the frequency of a particular category of the data with all of the data (TRP 2010:140).
kauwhata pouhere
1. (noun) histogram.
He momo hoahoa motuhake te kauwhata pouhere e whakamahi ana i te pou hei whakaatu raraunga. He āhua ōrite ki te kauwhata pou, arā, ka tuhia he pou hei whakaatu i te auau o ia rōpū raraunga, engari ka piri tahi ngā pou. Ka whakamahia tēnei momo kauwhata mēnā he raraunga motukore. Ka wehea ngā raraunga motukore ki ētahi rōpū ōrite hei whakaatu ki te kauwhata (TRP 2010:143). / A histogram is a special type of diagram which uses bars to show data. It is similar to the bar graph where the frequency of each category of data is represented by a bar, however, the bars are joined. This type of graph is used for continuous data which is divided into equal groups (TRP 2010:143).
kauwhata kauamo
1. (noun) box and whisker graph, boxplot.
He momo hoahoa tauanga motuhake te kauwhata kauamo hei whakaatu i te tuari o tētahi huinga raraunga. E mārama ana te kitea atu o te ine whānui, te mōkito, te mōrahi, te tau waenga, te hauwhā runga me te hauwhā raro i tēnei momo kauwhata (TRP 2010:138). / A boxplot is a type of statistical diagram, which shows the distribution of a set of data. The range, minimum, maximum, median, upper quartile and lower quartile are displayed clearly on this type of graph.
kauwhata marara
1. (noun) scatter graph.
He momo hoahoa tauanga motuhake te kauwhata marara hei whakaatu i te pānga o ētahi rōpū raraunga e rua. Mā tēnei momo kauwhata e kitea ai te kaha, te ngoikore rānei o te pānga, ā, mēnā he ine pānga tōrunga, tōraro rānei (TRP 2010:138). / A scatter graph is a type of statistical diagram which shows how two groups of data are related. This type of graph shows whether the relationship is strong or weak, and whether it is positive or negative (TRP 2010:139).
kauwhata pou
1. (noun) bar graph.
He momo hoahoa motuhake te kauwhata pou e whakamahi ana i te pou hei whakaatu raraunga. E rua ngā tuaka o te kauwhata pou. Ko te tuaka pae hei whakaatu i ngā rōpū raraunga. Ko te tuaka pou hei whakaatu i te auau, i te uara rānei o ia rōpū raraunga. Ka tuhia he pou mō ia rōpū raraunga, ko te teitei o te pou hei whakaatu i te auau (TRP 2010:141). / A bar graph is a special type of diagram which uses vertical bars to show data. The bar graph has two axes. The horizontal axis shows each category of data. The vertical axis shows the frequency or numerical value of each data category. A vertical bar is drawn for each category of data, the height of the bar shows the frequency (TRP 2010:141).
kauwhata rārangi
1. (noun) line graph.
He momo hoahoa motuhake te kauwhata rārangi e whakamahi ana i te rārangi hei whakaatu i te pānga o ētahi taurangi e rua. Mā te rārangi e ngāwari ai te kitea o te ia o te pānga (TRP 2010:145). / A line graph is a special type of diagram which uses a line to show a relationship between two variables. The line allows any trend in the relationship to be easily seen (TRP 2010:145).
kauwhata rautō
1. (noun) stem and leaf graph.
He momo hoahoa tauanga te kauwhata rautō e whakamahia ana hei raupapa, hei whakaatu raraunga tau. Ko tētahi wāhanga o ia raraunga tau ka whakaaturia ki te ‘tō’ o te kauwhata (pērā i ngā tekau), ko tētahi wāhanga ki ngā ‘rau’ o te kauwhata (pērā i ngā kotahi) (TRP 2010:146). / A stem and leaf graph is a type of statistical diagram which is used to sequence and display number data. One part of each piece of number data is shown on the ‘stem’ (for example the tens), and the other part is shown on the leaves (for example the ones) (TRP 2010:147).
kauwhata tāhei
1. (noun) strip graph.
He momo hoahoa tauanga motuhake te kauwhata tāhei e whakamahi ana i te tāhei hei whakaatu raraunga. Ka wehea te tāhei, ko ia wehenga hei whakaatu i te auau o tētahi rōpū raraunga. He pai tēnei kauwhata hei whakatairite i te hautanga o ia rōpū raraunga ki te katoa o ngā raraunga (TRP 2010:148). / A strip graph is a type of statistical diagram which uses a strip to display data. The strip is divided up, and each division shows the frequency of a category of data. This type of graph is useful to compare the proportions of each category of data with the whole data set (TRP 2010:148).
kauwhata whakaahua
1. (noun) picture graph, pictograph.
He momo hoahoa tauanga motuhake te kauwhata whakaahua. Ka whakamahia he whakaahua, he tohu rānei hei whakaatu i te auau o ia wehenga raraunga. He āhua rite ki te kauwhata pou (TRP 2010:148). / A pictograph is a type of statistical diagram. Pictures or symbols are used to show the frequency of each category of data. It is similar to the bar graph (TRP 2010:149).
kauwhata rū
1. (noun) seismograph.
Synonyms: ine-rū
kauwhata ira
1. (noun) dot graph, dot plot.
He momo hoahoa motuhake te kauwhata ira e whakamahi ana i te ira hei whakaatu raraunga, hei whakaatu rānei i te pānga o ētahi taurangi e rua (TRP 2010:137). / A dot graph is a special type of diagram which uses a dot to show data or the relationship between two variables.(TRP 2010:137).