kauwhata rautō
1. (noun) stem and leaf graph.
He momo hoahoa tauanga te kauwhata rautō e whakamahia ana hei raupapa, hei whakaatu raraunga tau. Ko tētahi wāhanga o ia raraunga tau ka whakaaturia ki te ‘tō’ o te kauwhata (pērā i ngā tekau), ko tētahi wāhanga ki ngā ‘rau’ o te kauwhata (pērā i ngā kotahi) (TRP 2010:146). / A stem and leaf graph is a type of statistical diagram which is used to sequence and display number data. One part of each piece of number data is shown on the ‘stem’ (for example the tens), and the other part is shown on the leaves (for example the ones) (TRP 2010:147).