1. (noun) speargrass, Aciphylla squarrosa and Aciphylla colensoi - plants which provided an exudation used as a scent. The plants have a tuft of spear-like leaves, each up to 1 m long, and a large flower-stalk up to 2 m high, the head of which is covered with long sharp spikes.
Synonyms: taramea, tūmatakuru, kurikuri
2. (noun) red ochre.
Ka tohua te tokorua rā e tētahi tohunga kia pania ō rāua kiri ki te kōkōwai (te karamea kua kōroria ki te hinu mango) (Te Ara 2015). / A tohunga instructed the couple that their skin should be smeared with kōkōwai (red ochre mixed with shark oil).
Synonyms: hōrua, tākou, hōrū, pōrakaraka, kōkōwai