



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) colour, pigment, hue, sort, kind.

Kōwhaiwhaitia ana e Maria ngā heke o te whare ki ngā kano ake anō a te Māori (TTR 1998:227). / Maria painted designs on the rafters of the house in traditional Māori colours.

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Synonyms: kātū, tūmomo, ohaoha, tūpore, momo, ngāwari, tae

2. (noun) seed, bean, grain, ovule.

I te nuinga o te wā he iti, he mārō anō hoki te kano. / Usually a seed is small and hard.

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Synonyms: nganga, pata, pua, purapura, kākano

tūmau kano

1. (noun) mordant - a substance used to set dyes on fabrics.

Ka kohia mai te hiako o te rākau tutu, o te makomako, o te hīnau rānei. Ka paopaotia kia puta ai te wai o roto. Ka kōhuatia ngā maramara hiako nei me ngā whā kiekie, ā, ka waiho ai mō tētahi wā. Ka kīia tēnei wai, ko te waitumu, ko te tūmau kano rānei, inā koia tāna mahi, he whakapūmau i te tae ki roto i ngā weu o te kiekie (RTA 2014:173). / The bark of the tutu, wineberry or hīnau trees is gathered. It is beaten so that the juice in it emerges. These pieces of bark are boiled with the kiekie leaves and left for a time. This liquid is called the waitumu or the tūmau kano (mordant) because that's its purpose, to fix the dye in the fibres of the kiekie leaves.

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Synonyms: waitumu

tātari kano

1. (noun) colour filter.

Mā te whakamau i te tātari kano ki te tūrama ka rerekē te tae o te aho (RMR 2017). / By attaching a colour filter to the lighting the colour of the light will be different.

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kano ārai mate

1. (noun) vaccine.

whakatō kano ārai mate

1. (transitive verb) immunise.


1. (loan) (noun) coffee bean.


1. (noun) (human) egg.


1. (noun) broad beans.


1. (noun) (colour) pastel.

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