1. (loan) (noun) chocolate.
Nā runga i te āwangawanga o ngā kātipa kāore anō ia i kai mō tētahi wā e hia kē nei te roa, whāngaitia ana a Katerina e rātou ki te tiakarete me tētahi unu tī he mea mahi mai i te mīti kau. (TTR 1998:117). / Because the officials were concerned that she had not eaten for some time, they gave Katerina chocolate and a drink of beef tea.
1. (verb) to be dark in colour, dark brown, chocolate colour.
I a ia ka pakeke nei, e ono putu tōna roa, ā, he parauri nei tōna kiri me ōna kanohi, he pango kē nei hoki ngā makawe (TTR 2000:12). / When he was maturing he was six feet tall and his complexion and eyes were dark, and his hair black.
2. (modifier) dark in colour, dark brown, chocolate colour.
He whakaarotanga ki ngā iwi manauri, ki ngā iwi parauri, kiritea hoki, o te motu o Aotearoa me Te Waipounamu i tukutuku reta tonu atu ai ahau kia pānuitia e koe (TP 3/1905:10). / Some thoughts for the dark people, the brown people and the white-skinned of the country, the North Island and the South Island, are the reasons that I send letters for you to publish.
1. (noun) variety of harakeke from Te Tai Rāwhiti. Known as Tarariki in Taranaki District. Medium to tall in height, slightly bendy. Leaves dull olive green, soft, but strong. Chocolate-coloured margin and keel. 4-8 cm of brownish smudging at the tips of the young blades. Tall, pointed seed pods. Useful for ordinary purposes, kete and whāriki.
2. (noun) poroporo, Solanum aviculare and Solanum laciniatum - native shrubs to 3 m tall with dark, soft, lance-shaped or lobed, alternating leaves. Flowers are white to blue-purple and the fruit yellow to orange. Most common along the edges of forest and in scrub. The fruit is poisonous until fully ripe.
1. (noun) spotless crake, Porzana tabuensis - small dark rail with chocolate-brown back and red eye, living in swamps.
See also pūweto
Synonyms: kūweto, pūwetoweto, pūweto
1. (noun) spotless crake, Porzana tabuensis - small dark rail with chocolate-brown back and red eye, living in swamps.
See also pūweto
Synonyms: pūwetoweto, pūtoto, pūweto
1. (noun) spotless crake, Porzana tabuensis - small dark rail with chocolate-brown back and red eye, living in swamps.
Synonyms: kūweto, pūwetoweto, pūtoto
pūpū harakeke
1. (noun) flax snails, Placostylus spp. - large snails with a long, tapered coil, most being dark reddish-brown to chocolate.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 164;)
Kai Te Aupōuri me Ngāti Kurī tētahi atu ngārara ngata he pūpū harakeke tōna ingoa (TWK 41:17). / In Te Aupōuri me Ngāti Kurī territory there is another monster snail called a pūpū harakeke (Placostylus ambagiosus).
2. (noun) shell of the flax snail used as a musical instrument.
Ka hangaia tēnei taonga whakatangitangi, te pūpū harakeke i te anga o te pūpū harakeke, he momo ngata ka noho ki te pū harakeke (RTP 2015:79). / This musical instrument, the pūpū harakeke, is made from the shell of a flax snail, a type of snail that lives in flax bushes.