1. (verb) (-a) to squeak, scream, squawk, cry (of birds and animals).
E koekoe te tūī, e ketekete te kākā, e kūkū te kererū (NP 2001:30). / The tūī chatters, the kākā cackles and the kererū coos. (A whakataukī suggesting that it takes all kinds of people ...)
Synonyms: koe
1. (verb) (-ina) to laugh at.
E kore e roa rawa ka kataina e ā tātou tamariki, e ā tātou mokopuna rānei, tō tātou whakapono ki ngā mea horihori noa, ki ngā mahi o te kūwaretanga (TKO 11/1920:5). / It will not be very long before we will be laughed at by our children, or grandchildren, for our belief in these false things, and are done out of ignorance.
Synonyms: katakata
2. (verb) to laugh.
Synonyms: mimingo kata, mingo kata, mingomingo kata, ngingio
3. (verb) to chirp, twitter, chirrup (of birds and insects) - any sound made by a bird or insect that sounds like laughter.
Ka kata a Tīwaiwaka, ka kūtia a Māui, mate tonu atu (M 2006:206). / Fantail chirped, Māui was squeezed and was killed.
4. (noun) laughter.
Ko ngā tāngata katoa i reira, he tokomaha tonu rātau, ka ūmere me te kata (HP 1991:20). / Everybody there, and there were quite a few, made raucous applause with laughter.
2. (noun) sick person, invalid.
3. a sea bird.
4. the cutwater of a canoe.
1. (noun) A bird like moho, but extinct.
See also moho
2. (noun) A method of taking the kōkō bird at night.
1. (verb) to cry, call (of a bird).
Ko tēnei manu, ko te kōmakohuariki, ki te haere ngā waka ki te hī hāpuku, ka tio taua manu, arā ka tangi, e kore rawa e mau tētehi hāpuku (W 1971:131). / If the canoes go off to fish for groper, this bird, the kōmakohuariki, will call and not a single groper will be caught.
1. (noun) birding tree - a tree (or group of trees) frequented by birds where snares are set when the birds are in prime condition.
Nā, me titiro anō te tangata kua nui te manu ki tōna pua, nā kua tetere te manu, kātahi anō ka haere ki te tāhere i tōna pua, he mea herehere ngā kaha ki te peka o te rākau, kapi tonu i te kaha te pua (Pēhi 1942:472). / Now, one should watch for when there are plenty of birds in his bird tree, and when the birds are fat, then he goes to set snares in his birding tree, the nooses are set in the branches of the tree and the birding tree is full of snares.
1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to imitate bird calls, using a leaf to imitate bird calls.
He tohunga taku pāpā ki te pepe manu ki te rau karamū (PK 2008:626). / My father is an expert at attracting birds by imitating their call with a karamū leaf.
Ka mau ki te raurēkau, ka pepea (W 1971:277). / He took the large-leaved coprosma leaf and used it to imitate bird calls.
2. (noun) call leaf - leaf used for imitating bird calls to attract them.
Mā Mātete e whakatangi te pepe (W 1971:277). / Mātete will play the leaf to attract the birds.