1. (noun) learning, subject, discipline, profession, school, educational course, academic programme, academic course, teaching, class, lesson.
O ngā nēhi Māori o tōna wā, ko ia anake te mea momoho, ikeike rawa ki te taumata o te akoranga nēhi (TTR 1998:103). / Of the nurses of her era, she alone was so successful and eminent reaching the summit of the nursing profession.
Synonyms: wānanga, manapou, umanga, kura, tuihana, whare kura, wharekura
2. (noun) circumstance of learning, time of learning, place of learning.
He tangata hūmārika noa a Ānaru, ā, nā tana akoranga ki te ture me ngā mahi ake āna i a ia i te Tari Māori i āhei ia ki te whakahaere i ngā take ka nuku kē atu te mana o te poari (TTR 2000:1) / Ānaru was a courteous person, and because of his learning of the law and his work for the Māori Affairs Department, he was able to conduct the board’s affairs and increase its mana.