



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-hia,-na,-ngia,-ria,-whia,-whina) to put into (a bag, receptacle, etc.).

Ka mau te makimaki ki te pāuna, ka wāhia e ia te taro kia rua ngā poro, kātahi ka whaoria e ia ki te pauna (TP 5/1904:11). / The monkey took some scales, broke the bread into two bits and put them into the scales.

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2. (verb) (-hia,-na,-ngia,-ria,-whia,-whina) to fill.

Nā ka whaona te whare e ngā tāngata, ka mano tini ki roto (NM 1928:52). / Now, the house was filled with people, there was a huge crowd inside.

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3. (verb) (-hia,-na,-ngia,-ria,-whia,-whina) to go into, enter.

I te mutunga, ka whaoria ia ki roto i te kōti, ka mauria ki te kaipuke hei mau i a ia ki te Motu Rēwera, he motu iti e tata ana ki Amerika ki te Tonga (HKW 1/10/1899:4). / In the end he was put into the coach and taken to the ship to transport him to Devil's Island, a small island in South America.

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1. (verb) (-tia) to take greedily, devour, gorge, wolf down.

Ko tētahi tonu tēnei o ngā mea tino nui ki te Pākehā, arā ko te nūpepa. Ka whāōtia e te Pākehā te nūpepa (TP 11/1912:1). / This is one of the most important things to the Pākehā, that is a newspaper. The Pākehā devours a newspaper.
Tērā ēnei whenua e whāōtia e te Pākehā (HKW 1/9/1899:7). / There are these lands being taken greedily by the Pākehā.

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1. (verb) (-a,-whia) to chisel out.

Ka whaoa te waka nei e Kupe rāua ko Toka-akuaku (JPS 1957:221). / The canoe was chiseled out by Kupe and Toka-akuaku.

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2. (noun) iron tool, chisel.

I whakatenetene tonu nei te kaiwhakaako o Pine a Rotohiko Haupapa, he whao waruwaru noa nei tāna, ki te whāki atu i ngā muna whakairo a Te Arawa ki ngā kaiako o Ngāti Porou (TTR 1998:186). / Pine's teacher, Rotohiko Haupapa, was using only the paring chisel, and was reluctant to reveal the secrets of Te Arawa carving skills to the students from Ngāti Porou.

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3. (noun) nail.

Ka mau au ki taku whao, ā, ka manakohia e au, ko taku hoa haere hoki ia, hei koinga mō taku tao, ā, hei purupuru oreore puta mō ngā niao o ngā waka (Wh4 2004:136-137). / I kept my nail, cherished it, and it went with me everywhere as a point for my spear and as a drill bit for the holes in the gunwales of the canoes.

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Synonyms: nēra, taratiti


1. (personal noun) refashioned Mātā-hou-rua canoe that returned to Hokianga from Hawaiki.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 30; Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 210-219;)

I ngā hui o te tau 1907 me te tau 1924 ka tatū te kōrero e waru ngā waka i whai wāhi nui ai a Ngā Puhi, a Ngāti Kahu me ērā atu anō o ngā iwi e whai pānga ana: ko ngā ingoa o aua waka ko Ngā-toki-mata-whao-rua, ko Māmari, ko Māhuhu-ki-te-rangi, ko Tinana, ko Mātaatua, ko Mamaru, ko Ruakaramea me Kurahaupō (TTR 1998:75). / At meetings in 1907 and 1924 the number of canoes important to Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Kahu and associated peoples it was agreed that there were eight canoes of relevance to them: Ngā-toki-mata-whao-rua, Māmari, Māhuhu-ki-te-rangi, Tinana, Mātaatua, Mamaru, Ruakaramea and Kurahaupō.

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See also Matawhaorua, Ngā-toki-mātā-hou-rua


1. (personal noun) refashioned Mātā-hou-rua canoe that returned to Hokianga from Hawaiki. Also known as Ngā-toki-mata-whao-rua.

Ko Te Pātara te tohunga tapu o runga i te waka nei, i a Ngā-toki-mātā-hou-rua (JPS 1957:230). / Te Pātara was the sacred priest of the canoe, Ngā-toki-mātā-hou-rua.

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1. (personal noun) canoe that came from Hawaiki with Ngā-toki-mata-whao-rua.

Ko 'Matawhaorua' he waka tapu, e kore e utaina te kai ki runga, nā 'Māmari' i mau mai ngā oranga mō ngā tāngata o 'Matawhaorua', me ngā purapura (TP 7/1913:5). / 'Matawhaorua' was a sacred canoe and could not bring food on board, it was 'Māmari' the brought the sustenance for the crew of 'Matawhaorua', and the seeds.

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