1. (noun) flesh, meat.
I ngā wā e ora ana ia, hereheretia ai ōna waewae ki te rino, nāwai rā ka hou te rino ki roto i te kikokiko (TP 10/1899:5). / While he was healthy, his legs were shackled in irons, and presently the shackle worked its way into his flesh.
Synonyms: mīti
2. (stative) malevolent, malicious.
I hira ake tō rātou mana i tō ngā rangitira o ngā hapū, ā, i te mātūtūtanga o te mate, i hewa ngā tūroro nā ngā karakia kikokiko i ora ai (KO 15/6/1882:6). / Their mana is greater than that of the chiefs of the kinship groups and when convalescing the patients are deluded into thinking that the malevolent ritual chants will heal them.
Synonyms: turatura, tūtara, kaikino, whakakino, hīkaka, whakakinokino, ngau tuarā
karakia kikokiko
1. malevolent ritual chant.
I hira ake tō rātou mana i tō ngā rangitira o ngā hapū, ā, i te mātūtūtanga o te mate, i hewa ngā tūroro nā ngā karakia kikokiko i ora ai (KO 15/6/1882:6). / Their mana is greater than that of the chiefs of the kinship groups and when convalescing the patients are deluded into thinking that the malevolent ritual chants will heal them.
See also karakia