



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words

1. (verb) to make a low inarticulate sound, coo.

mai ana ngā kūkupa, kū atu ana te tamaiti (PK 2008:350). / The pigeons cooed and the child cooed back.

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2. (noun) one-stringed bow-like instrument - played by tapping with a stick while using the mouth cupped over the string as a modifying resonator. It was made of supplejack with a muka string, which was also plucked and scraped.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 166;)

Nā, ka tae te mahi, he , he pākuru, he tō, he pūtōrino, he kōauau, he tōrehe, he tī papaki ringa, he porotiti, he kaupeka - kāore a Kae i kata (JPS 1928:270). / So they tried playing kū, pākuru, tō, pūtōrino, kōauau, tōrehe, hand-clapping, porotiti, and kaupeka - but Kae did not laugh.

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1. prefix used to intensify the meaning of the base word, e.g. raruraru and kūraruraru.

1. (noun) (musical instrument) string.

2. (noun) syllable.

kū horoi

1. (noun) cleaning products.

Māku koe e whakaako ki ngā kū horoi e tika ana mō tēnā momo mahi. I'll teach you which cleaning products to use for that task. /

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ki ōku (nei) whakaaro ...

1. I think, in my opinion - a phrase used by a speaker to introduce an idea or opinion.

Ki ōku nei whakaaro me pana tō tātou tumuaki. / I think our principal should be sacked.

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1. my - when talking of more than one thing. This is the Tainui variation of aku. A possessive determiner which must be followed by a noun, unlike āku and ōku. This is the neutral or informal form and is not governed by the a and o categories. It cannot be stressed, in which case either āku or ōku must be used, depending on the category of the noun.

Tirohia ngaku makawe! (HKKT 2011:7). / Look at my hair!

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See also aku

Synonyms: tāhaku, taku, tōhoku, ōhoku


1. (particle) (determiner) my, of mine, belonging to me (more than one thing) - plural of tōku. A possessive determiner. A Tainui variation of ōku.

Ngōku te hē. / It was my fault.

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Synonyms: āhaku, āku, aku, ōku


1. your - when talking of more than one thing. It refers to only one person and is the Tainui variation of ō being the plural of . A possessive determiner which must be followed by a noun, unlike āku and ōku. This is the neutral or informal form and is not governed by the a and o categories.

Whakatakotoria ngō kāri kia kite ai au he pēwhea te manaaki a te Wahi Ngaro i a koe (HKKT 2011:24). / Lay down your cards so that I can see how kindly Divine Intervention is towards you.

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1. (particle) (determiner) my (referring to one thing), mine - variation of tāku. Often followed by a noun but can stand without one.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 52-56, 108-110, 140-141;)

Ko tāhaku ki a koutou, ahakoa te pōturi o te haere ā tātau mahi, ka taea te whakaoti. / What I'm saying to you all is that despite the slow progress of our work, we will be able to complete it.

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See also tāku

Synonyms: ngaku, taku, tōhoku, ōhoku


1. (particle) (determiner) my, of mine, belonging to me (more than one thing) - variation of ōku.

Nō Kāi Tahu ōhoku tūpuna. / My ancestors were from Ngāi Tahu.

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See also ōku

Synonyms: ngaku, tāhaku, taku, tōhoku


1. (particle) (determiner) my (plural) - variation of āku.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 52-56, 108-110;)

Me pēhea te whakapūoro ake i ō rātau reo kia rongo ai ngā taringa o ngā uri whakatipu? Ko wēnei wāku pātai mō ngā taonga pūoro i te wā tuatahi i kite au i te Whare Taonga o Tāmaki Makaurau, i te tau 1970 (TWK 41:2). / How should they be played so that their voices can be heard by future generations? These were my questions about the musical instruments when I first saw them in Auckland Museum in 1970.

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Synonyms: wōku


1. (particle) (determiner) my (plural) - variation of ōku.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 52-56, 108-110;)

Synonyms: wāku


1. (loan) (noun) chess - a game played between two people on a chequered board. Each player has sixteen 'men', a king (kīngi), queen (kuīni), two bishops (pīhopa), two knights (toa), two castles or rooks (pā tūwatawata) and eight pawns (kaihāpai-ō).

Me purei whaikīngi tāua (Ng 1993:54). / You and I should play chess.

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1. (particle) belonging to me, mine, because I - variation of nōku.

Ka mea atu a Māui, “He hinganga nōhoku ki rō wai, nā reira i poko ai te ahi nei.” (JPS 1929:22). / Māui said, “It was because I fell into the water, that was how the fire was extinguished.”

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See also nōku

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