1. (verb) to be frequent, frequently, again and again, recurring.
Otirā, i nui ā tāua matapakinga i tēnei take o te whakanano mai i te kupu kāore i te mōhiotia, o te kupu kāore i auau te rangona (HM 4/2009:3). / But, we've had a great deal of discussion about this subject of questioning words that aren't known and words that are not heard frequently.
Synonyms: tāruarua
2. (noun) frequency, rate.
Kāhore ia i whakaae i te tuatahi, heoi, nā te auau o te werowero a Kāwana Kerei, riro ana i tā te Kāwana, whakaae ana ia (TWK 16:12). / At first he did not agree, but because of the frequency of Governor Grey's challenges, he agreed to what the Governor had requested.
Synonyms: pāpātanga
1. (verb) (-tia) to bark.
Ko au ka haere ki te hopu i tōku hōiho hei whiu mai i ngā kau. He mahi ngāwari tēnei nō te mea ka haere au ki te hopu i tōku hōiho, ka tīmata taku kurī a Nehe ki te auau. Rongo ana ngā kau, ka tīmata tā rātou haere ki te kēti tatari ai (TWK 50:19). / I went to catch my horse to bring in the cows. This was an easy task because when I went to catch my horse my dog, Nehe, began to bark. When the cows heard that, they began to go to the gate to wait.
2. (noun) bark (of a dog).
Kāore i roa ka rongo māua i te auau o ngā kurī me te ngawī o te poaka (TWK 5:21). / It wasn't long before we heard the barking of the dogs and the squealing of the pig.
rerenga auau
1. (noun) repeated tune, riff, motif (music).
Mēnā he rite tonu, he auau te rangona o tētahi rerenga i te roanga atu o te titonga puoro, ka kīia tērā he rerenga auau. Ka tino mau te rerenga auau ki roto i te hinengaro o te kaiwhakarongo (RTP 2015:97). / If a phrase is heard over and over the duration of a musical composition, that is called a riff. A riff will really stick in the mind of the listener.