2. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia) to exchange, swap.
Nō te 7 o Oketopa, i whakawhitiwhiti reta ai rāua ko te Pirimia (TTR 1998:96). / An exchange of letters between him and the prime minister took place on 7 October.
3. (verb) to discuss, deliberate, negotiate, communicate - when followed by kōrero.
I akona e ia ngā kōrero tuku iho a Tūhoe, ā, waihoki rā ka tīmata tana tohungatanga ki te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero, me te taki hautū i te tangata (TTR 2000:240). / He learnt Tūhoe history and began to develop his expertise in communicating and in leading people.
Synonyms: whakawhiti, whiriwhiri
4. (modifier) crossings.
Riterite tonu te mahi whakawhitiwhiti a te whānau ki tāwāhi ki ngā wāhi whakatā me ngā papahuka retireti (TTR 1996:31). / There were regular excursions abroad to resorts and ski-fields.
5. (modifier) exchanging - when followed by kōrero it is used for discussing, deliberating, negotiating, communicating.
I te tau 1840, i te marama o Hānuere, ka haere rāua ko Te Korohiko ki Pēwhairangi i te taha o Te Karu Whā, o te Rōpū Hāhi Mihinare, ki ngā hui whakawhitiwhiti kōrero mō te Tiriti o Waitangi (TTR 1990:187). / In January 1840, he and Te Korohiko travelled to the Bay of Islands with Henry Williams of the Church Missionary Society to the gathering discussing the Treaty of Waitangi.
Synonyms: whakariterite, whiriwhiri
6. (noun) exchanges - when followed by kōrero it is used for discussions, deliberations, negotiations, communication.
I uru atu a Te Moananui ki roto i ngā whakawhitiwhiti kōrero ki ngā iwi whakanoho ki Heretaunga; ka tau te āiotanga (TTR 1990:234). / Te Moananui entered into the negotiations with the tribes that had invaded Heretaunga, and peace was established.
whakawhitiwhiti rua
1. (noun) type of foot movement in kapa haka.
Ko te whakawhitiwhiti rua: He rite ki te tūwaewae takahia, engari ka huri hoki te tinana ki mauī ki matau (RMR 2017). / The whakawhitiwhiti rua foot movement: Similar to the tūwaewae takahia foot movement, but the body also turns left and right.
moe whakawhitiwhiti
1. (noun) intermarriage.
He uri a Hāmua nō Rangitāne, engari nō te rau tau tekau mā iwa, i muri i ngā moe whakawhitiwhiti, i ētahi wā i whakaarotia kētia he hapū nō Ngāti Kahungunu (TTR 2000:76). / Hāmua was a descendant of Rangitāne, but after intermarriage in the nineteenth century, it is sometimes regarded as a hapū of Ngāti Kahungunu.