2. (verb) (-tia) to become Pākehā culturally, assimilate into a Pākehā lifestyle, assimilate into a European lifestyle.
Kāhore ō rātou hiahia ki te whakapākehā i te Māori, engari me pupuri ngā tikanga pai a te Māori, ko ngā tikanga kino me ruke (HKW 1/1/1901:3). / They did not want to assimilate the Māori into Pākehā culture, but the good customs of the Māori should be retained, while the bad ones should be discarded.
See also Pākehā
3. (modifier) translating into English.
Oti atu hoki i a Pei te mahi whakapākehā, me te mahi ētita hoki, i ngā whakaputanga hou o ngā wāhanga e toru o 'Ngā Mōteatea' (TTR 1998:72). / Pei completed the translating into English and the editing of the new edition of parthree of 'Ngā Mōteatea'.
4. (noun) assimilation into Pākehā culture, assimilation into a Pākehā lifestyle.
Nā tana whakapākehā i a ia, kua kaha rawa tōna hiahia ki ngā taonga o tāwāhi, koirā ka mau tonu ia ki te hoko whenua (TTR 1990:180). / His assimilation into a Pākehā lifestyle had strengthened his desire for imported goods, and that's why he continued selling land.
See also Pākehā
5. (noun) translation into English.
I te nuinga o te wā, iti kē ake te whakapākehā ā-kupu a Pei i āna mahi, i wā Ngata (TTR 1998:72). / In general Pei's translations into English are less literal than those of Ngata.