2. (modifier) fit, strong, resilient.
E whai ake nei ngā uaratanga, ngā mōhukihuki me ngā wawata o te Kōmihana Hākinakina, Tūhakahaka a Hillary: "Ki te whakahaumako i te pai, i te tika me te tau o te noho o te iwi whānui i Aotearoa. Ki te whakatenatena, ki te whakatītina, ki te whakatakē i te iwi kia tapoko mai ki ngā mahi hākinakina whakamārohirohi me ōna hua o roto e ora tonu ai te tangata, taha tinana, taha wairua." (HM 1/1992:3). / Following are the desires, yearnings and hopes of the Hillary Commission for Sport, Fitness and Leisure: "To enhance the quality of life of the general population in New Zealand. To encourage, foster and encourage the people to participate in sporting fitness activities with its benefits for a person's well-being, both physical and mental.