1. (noun) interpretation, explanation.
Tērā tētahi kōrero, ‘He kūkū ki te kāinga he kākā i te haere’, e kōrero ana mō te tangata kāore e whakapai i tana āhua i te kāinga, engari ka puta ana ka whakapaipai i a ia anō. Arā anō he whakamāoritanga o tēnei kōrero, inā, he tangata wahangū ki te kāinga, engari ka puta ana ki wāhi kē, he waha papā (Te Ara 2014). / There is a saying ‘He kūkū ki te kāinga, he kākā ki te haere’ (a pigeon at home, a parrot abroad) that is about someone who takes little care of their personal appearance at home, but dresses up when they go out. There is also another interpretation of this saying, that is, it refers to a person who keeps quiet at home, but talks a lot when they’re out.
2. (noun) translation, translation into Māori.
Ko tēnei kupu ko te 'tiriti', he whakamāoritanga nō te kupu Pākehā, 'treaty' (TTT 1/9/1925:292). / This word 'tiriti' is a translation of the English word 'treaty'.