2. (adjective) be lucky, fortunate, fortuitous, fortunately, providential.
He waimarie kē te hokinga atu o Murupaenga i te pokapū o taua tau anō (TTR 1990:63). / The return of Murupaenga in the middle of that same year was fortuitous.
3. (modifier) lucky, fortunate, fortuitous, fortunately, providential.
Kāore he tangata o te Kāreti i taka i tēnei tau pērā i tērā tau; nō reira he tau waimarie tēnei (TKO 2/1915:10). / Nobody of the College has failed this year like last year, so this has been a lucky year.
4. (noun) good fortune, luck.
Kāti, e kī ana te Kāwanatanga, nō ngā ariki o te ngāherehere tēnei waimarie (HP 1991:280). / Well, the Government were saying that this good fortune was due to the owners of the forest.
Synonyms: māngari, waimaria, waimarietanga, angitu, māngaringari