2. (modifier) hollowed, sunken, depressed, concave.
He wāhi hāpua kei mua mai ka tae atu ai ki te pā (NIT 1995:279). / There was a depression in front of them right to the pā.
Ētahi mea hei oranga mō ō koutou tinana ko ngā rori me ngā awakeri hei hekenga mō te wai i ngā wāhi hāpua; te tuakanga me te tahutahunga i ngā ngāherehere; me te whakapai i ngā whenua (TWMNT 3/4/1872:60). / Some things that will provide a livelihood are the roads and drainage of the ponds; the felling and burning of the forests; and the improvements to the land.
3. (noun) pool of water, lagoon, pond.
He haere tonu tana mahi ki ngā roto o Waihora, o Wairewa, me te hāpua o Wainono ki te hopu kātaha, taraute me te kōkopu (TTR 1996:71). / Her work took her regularly to Waihora (Lake Ellesmere), Wairewa (Lake Forsyth) and Wainono Lagoon, to catch herring, trout and kōkopu.
Synonyms: pūroto, pūrotoroto, hāroto, hārotoroto, hōpua
4. (noun) grove of trees of one species.