2. (modifier) wounded (in battle).
Ko te hiwi i pikitia nei e mātau, e horahora ana te hunga tūākiri me te hunga mate, ānō kua āta ruingia te whenua ki te tinana tangata (TPH 15/1/1900:7). / The wounded and the dead were spread out over the hill we climbed as though the land had been carefully sown with bodies.
3. (noun) wound, injury.
I tae māua ki ngā hōhipera ki te tirotiro i ngā tamariki. Ka nui te pai o ngā mea e māmā ana ngā tūākiri, ko ētahi anō he hanga aroha - kua kore te ringa, te waewae (TKO 12/5/1918:12). / We arrived at the hospitals to look at the children. The ones who had minor injuries were really well, but it was sad for others - they no longer had a hand or a leg.