1. (verb) to hiccough, excite one's feelings, ejaculate.
See also tokopuhake
2. (noun) hiccough.
Nō te otinga o ēnei mea katoa, kātahi ka homai e tōku kaihanga ki roto ki ōku pongaponga te manawa ora. Nō konā tonu i tīmata ai taku tokomauri mō taku tūpekepeke me te whana o ōku ringaringa me te koa o tōku ngākau (TPH 30/3/1901:3). / When all these things were completed, then my creator put the breath of life in my nostrils. As a result I began to hiccough, kick and my arms jerked and my heart rejoiced.
3. (noun) orgasm.
Synonyms: rekareka