1. (verb) to masturbate (male).
Ki te heke tō ure tora i a koe e whakamau ana i tō pūkoro ure, ki te kore rānei e pai te mau, whakamahia tētahi i a koe e tītoitoi ana, kia waia ai koe ki te āhua mau o te pūkoro ure (HM 2/2004). / If your erect penis becomes flaccid while you are putting on your condom, or if it's not on correctly, do one while you are masturbating so that you become familiar with how to put on the condom.
2. (noun) masturbation.
He whanonga tonu te tītoitoi o te āhua o te wahine, o te āhua o te tāne (Ng 1993:271). / Masturbation is a normal part of human sexuality (Ng 1993:271).
Synonyms: tītoi
3. (noun) summit, very top.