Taki-o-Autahi, Te
1. (personal noun) Southern Cross - constellation seen in the southern skies. These are the stars depicted on the Aotearoa/New Zealand flag.
Kei tētahi wāhi o te haki o Aotearoa, ko te tohu o te tieki o Ingarangi, kei tētahi taha ko ngā whetū whero e whā, he tohu mō Te Taki o Autahi, he tātai whetū kei te rangi – he whero te tae o ngā whetū, e rima ngā mata o ia whetū (Te Ara 2013). / One part of the New Zealand flag has the Union flag of the United Kingdom and on another side representing the Southern Cross, a constellation visible in the sky – the stars' colour is red and each star has five points.