1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to be afflicted with leprosy.
Ā ka haere te tohunga ki waho o te puni, ā ka titiro te tohunga, ā ki te mea kua ora te repera i pā ki taua tangata i reperatia... (PT Riwitikuha 14:3). / And the priest shall go forth out of the camp; and the priest shall look, and, behold, if the plague of leprosy be healed in the leper...
2. (loan) (modifier) leprous.
…ā kuhua ana e ia tōna ringa ki tōna uma; te unuhanga anō, nā, kua repera tōna ringa, kua rite ki te hukarere (PT Ekoruhe 4:6). / …and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous, like snow.
3. (loan) (noun) leper.
Ā, i a ia i Petani i te whare o Haimona repera, i a ia anō e noho ana ka haere mai tētahi wahine me tētahi pouaka kōhatu, kī tonu i te hinu kakara, he tino nara, he mea utu nui (PT Maka 14:3). / And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious
4. (loan) (noun) leprosy.
I a Ihu i tēnei ao, i kite Ia i tētahi tangata e kapi ana i te repera (TP 4/1903:1). / When Jesus was in this world, He saw a man covered in leprosy.
Synonyms: takewhenua, tūwhenua, mumutu, ngerengere, mate tūhawaiki, mate ngerengere, mate tūwhenua, tūhawaiki