2. (noun) language, dialect, tongue, speech.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 181-187; Te Māhuri Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 2; Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 37-53;)
E pātai ana ahau, "He aha rā i hunā ai te reo rangatira i te iwi Māori i kore ai e akona ki te iwi Māori anō? He mate nui tēnei nō te iwi Māori, he mate hē noa iho, kāore he hara. Nā ā tātou Pākehā noa iho pea i pēhi kia kore e akona." (TTT 1/10/1921:4). / I am asking, "Why was the noble language hidden from the Māori people and not taught to them? This is a major problem for the Māori people, but it's merely an error, not a sin. It's probably because our Pākehā pressed that it not be taught."(A statement written in Māori by Paratene Ngata).
Haere ki a Wiremu wherawhera mai ai ngā whārangi, nā ka kitea aua kupu i reira, nō reira he aha kē tēnei tāwai i te reo? (HM 4/2009:3) / Go to Williams' dictionary and open the pages and those words will be found there, so just what is this criticism of the language about?
3. (noun) speech, utterance, statement, remark.
Mō taku take tuatahi, i pape taku reo. Nō te taenga mai nei o te pepa ka kite iho ahau i te hē (TTT 1/10/1929:1086). / Concerning my first issue, my statement was incorrect. When the newspaper arrived I discovered the mistake.