1. (personal name) atua of music, especially flute music, who is personified in the bag moth.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 167-169;)
Ka rawe anō ki te titiro atu i ngā mahi a Raukatauri; ko ngā kākahu o te hunga poi he mā katoa, rawe ana tērā te porotiti a te poi (TPH 30/11/1900:4). / It was great to watch the activities of Raukatauri; the garments of the poi performers were all white and the twirling of the poi was excellent.
2. (personal name) one of the women sent by Tinirau to capture Kae.
Te Kāhui Tau, Rau-kata-uri, Rau-kata-mea: Ki ētahi kōrero ko te pūtake mai rāua o ngā mahi ngahau, o ngā mahi o te rēhia, o te harakoa. Ki ētahi kōrero he tuāhine nō Tinirau. Ko rāua ētahi o ngā wahine nāna i whakangahau i kitea ai te niho o Kae (Ngae, Kaunihoniho ki ētahi). Koia Te Kāhui Tau, mō te waiata, mō te whakatangi, mō te haka (M 2006:232). / Te Kāhui Tau, Rau-kata-uri, Rau-kata-mea: According to some accounts the latter two were the origin of the arts of amusement, entertainment, and pleasure. According to some they were sisters of Tini-rau. They were among the women who entertained and caused Kae to show his teeth (Ngae, Kau-nihoniho according to some). The term Kāhui (a tribal designation) Tau pertains to these two, and those who sing, play on instruments, or do posture dances (M 2006:233).
3. (noun) bag of common bag moth, Liothula spp. - the caterpillar inside its bag eats the leaves of native plants such as mānuka, kānuka, tauhinu, neinei and introduced trees. The male moth is rarely seen.
Synonyms: pū a Raukatauri, pūtōrino a Raukatauri