1. (verb) (-a) to stop the chinks of something, fill in, stuff up.
Me purupuru katoa kia kapi rawa ngā wāhi puare o raro o ngā wāra o te whare kei uru atu ngā kiore mā reira (TPH 15/7/1900:1). / All the holes at the bottom of the walls of the house should be filled in completely so that the rats can't enter that way.
2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to suppress.
Kaua e purupurua ā koutou kōrero (W 1971:315). / Don't suppress what you all have to say.
3. (noun) chisel.
He ringa tauhou, kāore anō kia waia ki te mau o te purupuru, o te whao (TP 1/11/1899:2). / He is an apprentice who is not yet familiar with how to hold the chisel.
4. (noun) hull (of a canoe).
Ka peke mai Rongouaroa i te purupuru o te waka (M 2005:2). / Rongouaroa lept from the hull of the canoe.