ehara nā/nō
1. (negative) does not belong to, did not belong to - the usual word to negate affirmative sentences beginning with nā or nō is ehara. This is merely placed before the affirmative sentence. Although this is a common form in modern Māori, the alternative ehara i a ... was the more usual negative for nā and nō in classical Māori.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 29-30;)
Ehara nā Te Tiwha tēnei whakaahua. / This photograph does not belong to Te Tiwha.
See also ehara i a
2. (negative) if the subject is a pronoun it can be placed immediately after ehara.
3. (negative) did not - with sentences where the emphasis is on the actor to form the negative ehara merely precedes the affirmative sentence.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 29-30;)