1. (noun) whitehead, Mohoua albicilla - small rare endemic bird with white underparts and head with a contrasting black bill, eyes and legs and pale brown upperparts. Lives in groups in the high canopy of forests and scrub of the North Island.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 96;)
Ka tīmata hoki ngā pōpokotea ki te whakahokihoki i ngā maramara o te rākau, kāore i roa kua tū anō te rākau (NIT 1995:19). / And the whiteheads began to replace the chips of the tree and before long the tree was standing again.
Synonyms: mōriorio, mōtengitengi, tātāeto, tātāhore, tātaihore, tātariheko, upokotea, porihawa, poupoutea, pōporoihewa, poriporihewa, popotea, tātāngaeko, tātāeko, hore