2. (noun) navel, tummy button, section of umbilical cord nearest the baby's body.
Ko te tūhonotanga ki te whaea, ko te rauru tēnā; ko te pito e mau nei ki te tamaiti, ka kīia tēnā ko te pito; ko waenganui ko te iho tēnā (W 1971:75). / The attachment to the mother is the 'rauru'; the end fixed to the child is called the 'pito'; and in the middle is the 'iho'.
3. (noun) pole (North and South Poles).
He mea porotaka nui whakahara te Ao nei; ehara i te mea tino porotaka rawa, nō te mea e āhua papatahi ana ngā pito (TWMNT 5/6/1877:143). / The Earth is round, but it's not as if it's exactly round because the poles are somewhat flat.
4. (noun) pole (of a magnet).
E rua ngā pito o tētahi autō - koia nei ngā wāhi o te autō e tino kaha ana te tō (RP 2009:411). / There are two poles of a magnet - they are the parts of the magnet with the strongest pull.