1. (verb) (-hia,-ia) to slight, take no notice of, ignore, disregard, pay no attention to.
Kia puta noa te rongo kua patua he ihorei, kua whakamaniorotia, kua pīhia rānei tētahi taha e tētahi, ka kaha kē atu te tutū o te puehu (TTR 1990:297). / Whenever a major chief was killed or insults made or one side was slighted by the other, fighting intensified.
Synonyms: whakaturi, whātuturi, whakatuturi, whakangongo
2. (noun) corner of the eye or mouth, eye.
He toretore kei te pī o te karu (PK 2008:630). / There's inflammation at the corner of the eye.
Ahakoa e kōrero ana taua koroua, e aha ana rānei, he hikareti kei te pī o te waha, he mea nāna tonu i pōkai (HJ 2012:262). / Whether that elderly man is talking, or whatever, there is a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, one that he has rolled himself.