1. (verb) (-ina) to call into a place, call on, visit, stop off.
Ki te kite ia i ētahi tāngata o ētahi iwi kē, o ētahi hapū kē, ka karangatia e ia kia peka ki te kāinga, ahakoa ope tino tāngata, ope ngoringori noa iho rānei ka karangatia e ia ki te kāinga, ka manaakitia e ia (JPS 1927:252). / If she saw people of other tribes or clans, she would call to them to stop off at the village; whether a party of important people or one of lowly status, they would be invited by her to the village and given hospitably.
2. (noun) branch (of a tree, river, etc.).
Ko te rākau tēnā e muia ana e te manu. E kore e haere noa mai tōna waka, ka tangohia mai anō he peka o taua rākau (JPS 1893:123). / That is a tree upon which birds flock together in numbers. If canoes were departing they would take branches of that tree.
3. (noun) branch (of an organisation, etc.).
Mā te hēkeretari o ia peka e tuhi atu ia tau ki te kaitiaki moni o te Kotahitanga kia kotahi hereni hei moni whakauru mō ia mema o tōna peka ki te Kotahitanga (TP 3/9/1909:7). / The secretary of each branch will record in writing to the treasurer of the Kotahitanga on the one shilling subscription fee for each member of his branch.