2. (interjection) yes, aye, OK.
E mōhio ana koe ki a Erihana, te kairūri whenua? Āe (TW 26/7/1875:s29). / Do you know Ellison, the surveyor? Yes.
Synonyms: tēnā, tēnā
3. (interjection) yes - in classical Māori it was also used to agree with a negative.
Kāore i homai he kai māu? Āe. / Didn't she give you any food? No, she didn't.
4. (interjection) Used to confirm or strengthen a statement, especially about bad or strange behaviour.
Kei te hiahia mōhio a Tīmoti mehemea kei te kimi tāne koe mōu. Tēnā pātai hoki, āe. / Timothy wants to know if you are still looking for a husband. What sort of question is that?!